Chronicles at Hogwart: Meet My Character

Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

If you’re a true blue Harry Potter fan, it will take just a nanosecond for you to figure out whose original words these are. Yes yes we miss the magic terribly hence, me re-conjuring it. Earlier this week, Joan @ Fiddler Blue organized a collaborative writing project called Story Mash Up. Here, every participant writes from his/her own character’s POV. Another continues the story using his/her own character’s POV. The story will be sitting 7 years after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows concluded.

Let’s start this off with an introduction of my own character!


The wizarding world has been quiet since the day Harry Potter defeated the evil wizard named Voldemort. For seventeen years, the magical community continues to live in harmony and secrecy among the Muggles. The students, fresh from their summer vacations, are returning to school with nothing but excitement for the coming year in their minds. Truly, nothing could shake this era of peace ever again…or so they believe.





NAME Watanabe Yokitori
AGE 11 years old
OCCUPATION 1st  Year Student (of Gryffindor House, surprisingly)
WAND 9”, yew, Sakura petal as core
APPEARANCE 5’4”, ebony black hair, chinky-eyed, sallow-skinned, and lanky-framed. In other words, puberty’s promise of a more muscular feature will not dawn until a very long time.



HOBBIES Doodling at class, internet surfing
LIKES Muggle books and manga, Muggle TV, Muggle music, Wizard food
DISLIKES The constant lack of internet in Hogwarts; Catching pollen allergy
STRENGTHS Drawing without magic and filters
WEAKNESSES Speaking in English (can understand and speak basic English but not too much if there’s heavy native accent)
STRONGEST/ FAVOURITE SUBJECT Anatomy and Transfiguration
WEAKEST/ LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT Flying Lessons and History of Magic
QUIDDITCH PLAYER Nope. Not in this lifetime.



Watanabe Yokitori, nicknamed Yokito, is the son of Cho Chang, an eminent character before The Battle at Hogwarts. Shortly after the war, his mother married a Muggle of Japanese descent and went to live with him in the Land of the Rising Sun. The Watanabe family set up a business in Harajuku, the Asian equivalent of Diagon Alley in Britain. Theirs was an exotic sushi bar teeming with tourists from all across the globe.

Before Yokito entered Hogwarts, his school years were spent in a public Muggle school. Alongside that, he has to attend cram school, a traditional preparatory school, and take English as Second Language lessons. This is to favor his dad’s Muggle origin and if he were to be honest, despite the heaping lessons, he would want to pursue the rest of his studies that way. But alas, the Hogwarts letter arrived after a decade of living. What with the plastered smile and extreme enthusiasm her mom’s spirit showed, how can Yokito break that?

There you have it! Watch out for the story unfolding every week behind Yokito and other POVs of participating bloggers. Mine will be featured on January 3.



See you on  TWITTER @thebookgasm|  GOODREADS @ Trisha Ann


  1. Woohoo a Japanese character! Which anime was his picture from? I don’t think I’m familiar with it XD I can’t wait to see how Eve starts this whole thing off, and I’m nervous and excited to do my bit :p


    • Oh yeah thanks for bringing that up. I forgot to include the credits XD I’m not entirely sure if this is from an anime or some random drawing. Yeaaah! I’m excited for her story! 😀


  2. This is such a great character!!! I loved reading his profile and constantly bobbing my head yes because, well, ASIAN WIZARD. 😍 Looking forward to more of this, Trisha! 😄


  3. I like Yokitori! His Hogwarts student ID is really cool! 😀 He and I share the same likes. I don’t think I would be a quidditch player either, haha. I would really like to take the flying lessons though–that would be so fun!


    • Thank you! The ID template is not originally mine hehe but it is cool! 😀 I just learned the hardships of character development here haha! XD

      Hey if you have time and you’re interested (bc we’re Potterheads!), we’ll be happy if a veteran writer like you will join, E. Rawls 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha, developing characters is fun but very hard! Now you have a taste of being a writer. 😉
        Oh it sounds fun. December is very busy though… How long do people have to join?


      • Ahh yeah I understand. The holidays are the busiest indeed! Actually, we just have to follow the story written by the others weekly and each of us gets one shot at writing and then this cycle is over (probably January). I DM-ed some details on your twitter last week 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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